View Full Version : Rio Nana x Pinoy ghost
06-16-2016, 10:58 AM
Ok so I read through the previous thread with a similar title and see it had nothing to do with my questions so here it goes. I have paired a female pure blood F2 Rio with a Pinoy ghost veil wide I picked from a batch a grew out from generations removed) . Now they have spawned 5 times, the first 2 times I let them keep the eggs as I like to let parent raise in my hatchery. The last 3 times of taken then to artificially hatch, trying new methods each time with no success. The eggs are covered in fungus by the 48 hour mark each time I left them in the tank. The first artificial try I used meth blue in the appropriate does, they didn't fungus but where all white at the 48 hour mark. The 4th time I tried hydrogen peroxide at 10 drops per gallon. Again all white at 48 hours. The 5th spawn is in a jar right now with parent tank water no additive and is been just shy of 24 hours, about 10 percent are white. I fear the same result. So my question here is should I be getting something different or do I move on assuming I have a problem (my guess is with the male)? I'm struggling here as I really wanted this pair to work for obvious reasons. I do have 5 other Nanas none of which are paired, really trying to selectively pair these. Any and all feed back would be greatly appreciated, as I'm not a pro here and have only been working with angels about a year now. Thanks you.
06-16-2016, 04:41 PM
..have you seen them spawn? the male making passes?...almost sounds like two females....
06-16-2016, 04:48 PM
Yes I've caught most of them. Actually last night they spawned. I use slates and, she laid on the back side of slate. It almost was if she was trying to hide them done I've been collecting them. At any rate he does seem to be "doing his job" though the first couple times he didn't make nearly as many as passes. Almost seemed confused but now they have had a number of spawns he is always right behind her. Even s awkward as it was to see last night. I was gonna attach a short video of it but can't seem to figure that out.
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06-16-2016, 05:30 PM
Did the first two spawns hatch, the ones you left with the parents? If so, it sounds like an issue only when you attempt artificial hatching. If that is true it could be an issue with the water or the hatching vessel. The vessel needs to be very clean and sterile, including anything going into it. Air-hose, air stone, sponges too if you are using an AP styled hatching jar. As for the water, I use straight tap water. The chlorine in the water will dissipate before the eggs hatch and prior to that time the chlorine helps in keeping the eggs protected.
Just re-read the post and it sounds like you have lost all of the spawns. In that case I would tend to question the point raised by Jon, are you certain they are not both female?
06-16-2016, 05:57 PM
I have lost all spawns yes. I'd feel like a real idiot if they were both female. But their first spawn was in a community tank I leave a slate in. Since I introduced her to the community tank that have been side by side since, approximately 3 months. But to answer your question I suppose I'm not 100 percent sure but if he is in fact a she, then he she is a very good impersonator. I've heard of this happening before the but judging by the tube displayed on my ghost I feel fault confident it's a male. Again I'm just really digging into the real high quality angels so I'm in no way a professional but have been breeding for awhile. I've literally sold of any and all other stock aside from a few of my "trophies" and dedicated my time, space, money (life) lol to angels now. So Any and all help and info if greatly appreciated.
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06-16-2016, 06:20 PM
If we assume that you indeed have a male there, and that it is mature and actually spawning as opposed to just going through the motions, you may want to take a read of this thread on TAFII.
06-16-2016, 06:49 PM
Ah yes, I have read this thread. I actually cycle treatments every 6 months, I've done it 3 times since converting to Angel only, twice in the first 6 months. Basically because I brought in a lot from various sources and like the peace of mind. Though in this case the Rios haven't been through the cycle yet so maybe. But I think I'd like to try a couple things first, particularly a partner swap. I just hate giving in that easy and was going some of the experienced elders could give me a pointer here. This is a great point though as I said the Rios haven't been through it so if it gets that far I can always def sweep through the hatchery with another detox. Thank you for the reply Dan I appreciate it.
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06-16-2016, 06:59 PM
But I think I'd like to try a couple things first, particularly a partner swap.
That will give you the quickest and most affordable answer, also less stressful on the fish. Additionally, if the female is attempting to hide the spawn then she might not be fully comfortable with that particular male and may be interrupting his coverage of the eggs as he attempts to pass. Lastly, in an artificial hatching I make it a habit to remove any bad eggs as soon as they start to turn. Just something to consider. In any case, I hope they come around for you and you eventually get that spawn you are looking for.
06-16-2016, 07:02 PM
That will give you the quickest and most affordable answer, also less stressful on the fish. Additionally, if the female is attempting to hide the spawn then she might not be fully comfortable with that particular male and may be interrupting his coverage of the eggs as he attempts to pass. Lastly, in an artificial hatching I make it a habit to remove any bad eggs as soon as they start to turn. Just something to consider. In any case, I hope they come around for you and you eventually get that spawn you are looking for.
I honestly don't like to artificially hatch, I've made it a point to parent raise strictly in my hatchery but have a lot of hope for this pair, at least the line. But thanks again.
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