View Full Version : Eggs
02-22-2014, 06:48 PM
Well since my Discus aren't laying for me.......everything else is. Got a huge batch of GBR eggs and tonight my Altum crosses started. I think it might be time to ship them all to a bigger home and break the pair down to a breeding tank. Here's a couple of pics. ( (
02-22-2014, 08:12 PM
Beautiful angels.
02-23-2014, 10:04 AM
Very nice Angels you have there.
03-09-2014, 12:10 PM
Gorgeous Angels :) We have angles that have breed several times (we have at least two mated pairs). They lay lots of eggs on driftwood, just like in your picture. Some of the eggs turn white and some not. I have seen several youtube videos on Angels that say the white ones are "bad' and you have to pick them off or the others will turn bad. But in your picture most of yours look white. Can you help??? Thanks! Margaret
03-10-2014, 05:50 AM
White eggs are usually bad yep. My pair are still young and breeding in a QT with other Angels and rams. There is too much going on in there for them to leave the eggs to raise. The male on the last batch was making his "runs" on the eggs so it might be time to give them a breeding tank. I usually add some Methelyne Blue and mix RO with tap water to curb egg fungus. I find if you play around and take the white eggs out,the parents stress and end up eating the eggs. Or I just pull the eggs after they are laid and artificial raise the fry.
03-10-2014, 09:29 AM
Only treat eggs for fungus when pulling them. Also it is a bad idea to drastically change water chemistry with the parents in the tank. These are steps to take when artificially raising the spawn.
If letting the parents raise them do nothing but water changes. The parents will take care of the eggs. However, raising fry in a community will not work out. The eggs will be eaten by the pleco before hatching or the wrigglers will be eaten by the community. If you want parent raised fry they need their own tank.
Best of luck raising them.
03-11-2014, 06:06 AM
Only treat eggs for fungus when pulling them. Also it is a bad idea to drastically change water chemistry with the parents in the tank. These are steps to take when artificially raising the spawn.
If letting the parents raise them do nothing but water changes. The parents will take care of the eggs. However, raising fry in a community will not work out. The eggs will be eaten by the pleco before hatching or the wrigglers will be eaten by the community. If you want parent raised fry they need their own tank.
Best of luck raising them.
Too early for my post. Hope I didn't confuse you. Yea The Meth blue I only use when I pull eggs to hatch myself. As there are no parents to pull bad eggs out. As for altering water chemistry.....I do a mix of RO and tap water for breeding pairs as I have hard water. I have "played" with my water for years and know exactly what I need to have eggs hatch and have parents care for them.
11-21-2014, 01:36 PM
My angels just laid thier third batch of eggs.Third time on the filter intake, even though I have a piece of slate,amazon sword plant,breeding cone and a piece of pvc pipe in there. The first one I didnt count because she had them as soon as I got her home, so I attributed it to stress.Second batch lasted a little longer, but then they ate them.I hope third time is a charm.
Two questions, First if I take the eggs and try to artificially raise them, what is the success rate?Second, will they lay eggs again if I remove the ones they just laid?
11-21-2014, 05:24 PM
Yes, it is amazing to think you have furnished the tank with many egg suitable materials and yet they go for the filter tube. The other day I saw pieces of large PVC pipe that had been cut in half hanging in an aquarium. Those you could leave in for parent raising or remove and hatch the eggs in a small tank.
I do not have a pair of parent raisers yet and I have 8 different batches of fry right now that I have run out of tanks.
The parents should lay again 7 - 21 days after the first batch.
11-21-2014, 06:17 PM
A spare filter lift tube will help too...just change them swaps and garage sales for like type filters, grab em and use them for parts.....the other method is to simply lean the slate against the lift tube, blocking it from their spawning there....
11-21-2014, 06:32 PM
Two questions, First if I take the eggs and try to artificially raise them, what is the success rate?
The answer to your first question is highly variable, age of the pair, experience of the aquarist, water quality, conditioning of the pair, etc., etc. lot of factors to consider.
11-21-2014, 07:27 PM
The answer to your first question is highly variable, age of the pair, experience of the aquarist, water quality, conditioning of the pair, etc., etc. lot of factors to consider.
but all in all, keep the fry water pristine and your success is much greater.....
11-21-2014, 08:08 PM
Nothing better than good, clean water if you are a fish! Ah, refreshing!
11-22-2014, 03:14 AM
Nothing better than good, clean water if you are a fish! Ah, refreshing!
12-05-2014, 07:51 PM
ok so I moved my breeding pair to a 20 gallon high tank.They laid the eggs on the slate I put in there.(sponge filter now).Most turned white, but I see they moved 6 down a little lower on the slate.I am keeping an eye on them.
So if they are turning white,would I have a better chance taking them out when first laid to artificially raise them, or would they still turn white.
Also, I just purchased another beautiful mated pair.I got them home Sunday, they perked up nice in the tank, but not eating.I tried flakes and live worms.Tomorrow makes 6 days, how can I get them to eat? I am doing water changes everyday to get the uneaten food off the bottom of the tank. ANy suggestions?
12-13-2014, 05:26 AM
ok so I moved my breeding pair to a 20 gallon high tank.They laid the eggs on the slate I put in there.(sponge filter now).Most turned white, but I see they moved 6 down a little lower on the slate.I am keeping an eye on them.
So if they are turning white,would I have a better chance taking them out when first laid to artificially raise them, or would they still turn white.
Also, I just purchased another beautiful mated pair.I got them home Sunday, they perked up nice in the tank, but not eating.I tried flakes and live worms.Tomorrow makes 6 days, how can I get them to eat? I am doing water changes everyday to get the uneaten food off the bottom of the tank. ANy suggestions?
No matter what you do to encourage the pair to lay eggs in an appropriate area, they lay where they decide to. For instance, the corner of a tank, kind of hard to remove that. :) As for turning white if you remove the eggs, Methylene Blue added to the hatching container will usually stop the fungus. If any eggs are not fertile, they still might turn white or just "melt" away. All you can do is try and see what happens. Have fun it is a learning curve and in order to learn a person must try.
12-23-2014, 10:53 AM
My angels have eaten four spawns already.If I remove the next spawn and try to artificially hatch them, will the parents spawn again in the same spawning cycle as before?
12-23-2014, 03:59 PM
They should, but a few pairs get stubborn......most of mine just keep on 'truck'n'....the others may miss a a day .or so...
12-24-2014, 01:28 PM
Well I decided to leave them and once again they ate them.Oh well, we will see about the next batch. Thanks for the replies.
12-25-2014, 08:35 PM
My other pair just laid a bunch of eggs, it looks like they are starting to wiggle.They are starting to fall off the slate and Momma picks them up and puts them back on.Will they all of a sudden all start swimming?Looks like a good batch, no white ones.
12-26-2014, 05:32 AM
They should all be free swimming within a couple of hours from when the first ones start. Best of luck with them!
12-31-2014, 06:17 AM
They up now???.....hope so :D
01-03-2015, 09:57 AM
The parents moved the eggs around every day from the slate to the breeding cone to the driftwood and back again. It looked like they were doing a good job and I even saw one or two free swimming, but then they all died. In my other tank, I pulled the eggs and am trying to artificially raise them. They all fell off the slate and looks like some wiggling going on on the bottom, but not much. I dont want to disturb too much on the bottom because I dont want to remove any eggs.Am I doing the right thing?Should I be changing the water more?
01-03-2015, 10:10 AM
What are you feeding the pair(s) ??
01-03-2015, 11:33 AM
The parents moved the eggs around every day from the slate to the breeding cone to the driftwood and back again. It looked like they were doing a good job and I even saw one or two free swimming, but then they all died. In my other tank, I pulled the eggs and am trying to artificially raise them. They all fell off the slate and looks like some wiggling going on on the bottom, but not much. I dont want to disturb too much on the bottom because I dont want to remove any eggs.Am I doing the right thing?Should I be changing the water more?
I have found that the wiggler's heads don't stick very well if the water is hard. I find it disconcerting to see young wigglers fall off the cone. I have learned to let the parents blow them back on again and again and again. Eventually the wiggler's heads start sticking again.
I don't know why the wigglers your pairs moved so many times died. Did the parents eat them or did they just up and die?
01-03-2015, 03:20 PM
Ken's Premium Beefheart Flake
01-03-2015, 04:51 PM
Ken's Premium Beefheart Flake
Try bulking them up with some frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, Ken's flake, moderate, say 20% water changes every other day...make em lean mean egg producing machines....LOL....also, scrub the slate really good, both sides, and use as hot a water as possible, then wipe it down with peroxide....then wait til they start 'dancing', or the female tube begins to show...before putting it back in there.....
01-26-2015, 04:22 PM
Speaking of eggs. Every fish has it's own personality or perhaps I should say idiosyncrasy. For instance Silver, my experienced Platinum Pearlscale female prefers spawning on the uptake tube of the HOB. For about 3 weeks now, she has been with a virgin Albino Silver male, (Goliath). Silver is a regular breeder but during these 3 weeks there was no spawning taking place,.
They did the getting acquainted tussling prior to breeding but no action. Silver would pick here, pick there. I knew she was wanting to lay her eggs. Then it dawned on, she did not have an uptake tube to place her eggs on. SO - I grabbed a tube, scrubbed it, positioned it with filter floss to hold it on over an a tank heater that I put in place up high with a suction cup. Of course, the heater was not plugged in.
Within 2 hours they were spawning and WHAT A BATCH OF EGGS GOT DEPOSITED!!!!!
So, we can not always chose where action will happen. We need to be alert and observe. I did get a good video of Silver and Goliath spawning on this tube. You can use the link to view if you are interested. I love my camera, I took the video about 10 feet away, zoomed in and with no special lighting.
Will I get fry up with this combo I do not know, what with the variety of each? If I don't, Goliath had a good teacher.
02-09-2015, 07:51 AM
Speaking of eggs. Every fish has it's own personality or perhaps I should say idiosyncrasy. For instance Silver, my experienced Platinum Pearlscale female prefers spawning on the uptake tube of the HOB. For about 3 weeks now, she has been with a virgin Albino Silver male, (Goliath). Silver is a regular breeder but during these 3 weeks there was no spawning taking place,.
They did the getting acquainted tussling prior to breeding but no action. Silver would pick here, pick there. I knew she was wanting to lay her eggs. Then it dawned on, she did not have an uptake tube to place her eggs on. SO - I grabbed a tube, scrubbed it, positioned it with filter floss to hold it on over an a tank heater that I put in place up high with a suction cup. Of course, the heater was not plugged in.
Within 2 hours they were spawning and WHAT A BATCH OF EGGS GOT DEPOSITED!!!!!
So, we can not always chose where action will happen. We need to be alert and observe. I did get a good video of Silver and Goliath spawning on this tube. You can use the link to view if you are interested. I love my camera, I took the video about 10 feet away, zoomed in and with no special lighting.
Will I get fry up with this combo I do not know, what with the variety of each? If I don't, Goliath had a good teacher.
Update on The pairing of the Albino Silver and the Platinum Pearlscale. I had no problems with the free swimmers getting up and swarming. However, there was a failure to thrive. I kept water quality up, temp was about 84, fed bbs about 4 -5 times per day and used the magnifying glass to check for full bellies and elimination. I am guessing just a genetic weakness and I knew results were iffy.
However Goliath the male got some great experience as the female has spawned several times. The female is back with her paired male and I now have wigglers from them. Looking forward to raising some more Platinum Pearlscales. :)
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