View Full Version : Rio Nanay X Philippine Blue
07-19-2014, 08:10 AM
I have several Peruvian females that I will be crossing with domestic blues. I would be interested in hearing from others that have done the same. Have your spawns produced any unusual results? Any unique differences from other wild x domestic crosses? From the pictures I've seen of wild crosses, the Peruvian's seem to produce more colorful offspring (my opinion). Once the blue gene has been incorporated into the Peruvian's I will continue to back cross with wilds from various sources (all Peruvians from Rio Nanay or Rio Momon) in an attempt to get as close to 100% wild as possible. Long project for sure, but I'm up for it. I will of course be looking for those stand-out crosses from other breeders in order to shorten the timeline. Whatcha got? Up front I shoud mention that I am not seeking crosses that have Pearl, Streaked or Albino genes.
07-21-2014, 03:33 PM
My wild crosses are F2s. They are 50% Peruvian Glitter crossed with an Albino Blue Silver. I realize you would not be interested in any of their offspring, but wanted to share that those that are double Philippine Blue are really blue! My Blue Zebra doesn't come close to their almost neon blue coloring. You will be surprised when you are able to breed some.
Check with Rob P to verify, but I believe that these guys were extremely slow growers. So much so that Rob initially was culling them for lack of growth.
07-21-2014, 06:16 PM
Thanks Dena,
I think I've seen a few pics of your wild crosses and they do look amazing. I am expecting to see the blue coloring intensified with the wild blood cross, you have already seen it on yours. :D
I have a line of Blue Zebras that I got from John Melograno a few generations back that I will be using in my first cross, expecting eggs any day now. The metallic sheen on the Zebras makes them a perfect candidate for a cross to the Nanays, in my opinion. This line will be the basis for Silver and Zebra crosses.
The second line will be on a fast track, I hope, to Platinum Nanays. Finding the right male took me some time, but I have him now. I am anxious to see some offspring but the pair is taking their time getting settled in and deciding who is in charge. I have confidence in them, they just need a little more time.
I"ve not decided on the third line as yet, still looking to see what is out there that I can work with. I'm terribly picky and slow to make up my mind. I'll know it when I see it. :) To me, it is like picking a horse at the races. When it is right, they kinda just jump out at ya.
07-24-2014, 11:37 PM
Best of luck with your project Dan! Please post updates as you make progress.
08-14-2014, 01:29 PM
The sole survivor story.
I had introduced a female Nanay to a male Blue Zebra in one of my breeding tanks, the pair seemed to hit it off right away so I left them alone to get aquainted. About an hour later I passed by the tank and saw to my amazement a small group of eggs that had been laid. Apparently they had begun spawning some time after I walked away. I paused to watch for a bit, it was odd for any of my angels to spawn this early in the day, especially after being introduced into a new tank. Then suddenly to my horror I came to realize that the pair were not begining to spawn, they had already finished spawning and were just then finishing off what was left of the eggs! I dashed off to set up a hatching tank and when I returned there was but one egg left. Here he/she is.
08-14-2014, 01:37 PM
Check with Rob P to verify, but I believe that these guys were extremely slow growers.
Not the case with this particular cross. The picture was taken today and the spawning was on the 15th of July. This little bugger is twice the size of other strains I have that were spawned on the 11th of July.
08-14-2014, 02:08 PM
This is a representative of the blue line I am using in the cross. I am hoping to intensify the blue and through back crosses bring that trait to the tall bodied look of the Peruvians. Fingers crossed.
08-14-2014, 02:43 PM
Sorry, I wasn't clear in my statement. When in double dose pb/pb they were slow growers. If you've crossed a Nanay with a Blue Zebra that little survivor is pb/+; and I would expect nothing to get in the way of its growth or development.
Also, being on its own, wouldn't that have something to do with size comparison with your other spawns from July?
BTW - That little guy looks great!! Good job saving him :)
08-14-2014, 03:12 PM
Also, being on its own, wouldn't that have something to do with size comparison with your other spawns from July?
The fact that the other strains are koi, albino and titanium ghosts more likely than not has had more of an impact. ;)
08-22-2014, 08:14 AM
I noticed today that there is a blue iridescence on the crown of my solo survivor. Not the solid blue "button" of the double dose blues, yet blue just the same. Never seen this amount of blue from a het angel before. I hope this holds good promise for increased blue intensity in the offspring, exactly what I am hoping for. :cool:
Sorry for the picture quality, they are screen captures of video.
08-22-2014, 11:55 AM
Sounds very promising then! Those Clowns I recently lost were the same. Het blue and there was an obvious blue coloring on their heads, dorsals and ventrals.
08-23-2014, 10:28 AM
Het blue and there was an obvious blue coloring on their heads, dorsals and ventrals.
If this hold true for the next generation then separating the pb/+ from the +/+ might not be such a task. :D
08-29-2014, 12:43 PM
A terrible picture but I prefer to not push a camera
at these guys. One shot and walk away. I get what I get. This was kind of a 'hit and run' shot, no flash and didn't even care if the camera had time to focus. :)
I'm pretty
pleased with the fin extensions on these Peruvians. Dorsal also has extensions
that cannot be seen in the picture. It is my hope to carry this trait, along
with others from the Peruvians, into my domestic crosses. Anywhere close and
I'll be happy. :cool:
01-04-2015, 01:37 PM
Additional crosses with the Nanays are showing the blue iridescence in het pb. Pinoy line and Platinum Marble line crosses have both shown a discernible blue color in the crown with single dose pb/+. Nanay fry show the typical tan/brown crown color one would expect..
Pinoy X Rio Nanay (50% wild blood Black Het Blue)
100% Rio Nanay
02-20-2015, 10:24 AM
I have not had time for taking pictures in a while, so I snapped a few quick ones today. These are het for blue. Quality of pictures will improve as I find time or they decide to slow down a tad.
:cool: Compared to the pure Nanay posted above, the het blue offspring from the cross displays good coloration. Can't wait for pb/pb out of these.
04-21-2015, 06:39 PM
Four month old Nanay x Blue Zebra cross. F1 het Pb.
04-22-2015, 08:19 AM
Very nice.
04-22-2015, 10:04 AM
Very nice.
Thank you! The flash washed out a good deal of the blue but they are coming along nicely, I think. They are requiring much more area per fish than usual. A 75 gallon will only hold 6 to 7 at this size without chaos erupting and fin pieces falling. That is something I will need to work on,,, :)
07-05-2015, 11:56 AM
Het Blue 6 months. Male of pair laying eggs today. Count down to next generation Blue Nanays.
07-06-2015, 11:36 PM
Love that blue coloring you are getting! Best of luck with the next generation and developing this line Dan.
07-07-2015, 04:04 AM
Thank you, Dena. I agree, the blue is coming in nicely for a het. I'm even happier with the overall shape of the stock for being 50% wild blood. With the number of fish I have for working the cross, I expect 75% on up to be really nice.
07-11-2015, 10:43 AM
On to 75% het blues. Left is the female Rio Nanay and on the right is an unrelated 50% het PB wild cross Nanay. The pair will produce 75% wild blood Nanays, half of which will be het for PB. Poor lighting conditions subdued the majority of color this pair displays. Hopefully this pair will help us to produce 75% wild blood Blue Nanays by fall of next year.
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