03-11-2015, 06:36 PM
I have posted on here many times and wanted to explain my setup just in case someone has any ideas for me.I have 4 20 gallon tall tanks with 4 breeding pairs in each tank.The tanks are located downstairs in my house in a bedroom where I watch tv at night and am in and out of during the day and night.All four pairs lay eggs every 9-14 days an I just cant seem to get any fry.The closest I came was a couple of weeks ago,I had about 25-30 fry free swimming with the parents, then about 5, then gone.What can I change?Temp is 80-81, water conditions are good. I try to leave them alone with the eggs in there.Im confident that it will happen, but getting frustrated.I dont want to pull the eggs.Any advice I get here is good advice and very appreciated.