View Full Version : breeding albinos
11-10-2015, 08:17 PM
Hello I have been raising some albinos for six myths now and I just got my second spawn from a pair but no matter what I try the babies keep dying off...I dont know what I am doing wrong...could some one please help...I would appreciate any advice that anyone has to offer...
11-12-2015, 05:17 PM
Welcome to our forum!
Have you successfully raise angel fry? They can be tricky and albino are even more difficult due to being smaller and issues with eyesight.
11-12-2015, 06:10 PM
Hello guppy_18 here...I hadto re-register. Yes I have breed angelfish and raised the fry successfully before...but I can't seem to get thealbino fry to survive. I am from the tropical island of Trinidad so temp is not an issue here...and the only available fry food is bbs...iI am currently working on the buBulgarian seal point angelfishes and I am on my fifth spawn and they are doing well..I really don't know the reason the albinos seem not to survive... They hatch properly...reach to the swimming stage then they begin melting away...they seem to not be eating the bbs either...please advice me further...I have no experience with albinos...I will love to get in contact with some people who successfully raised them as well please..
11-12-2015, 08:12 PM
Sounds like the BBS is too big for them to eat. You could try feeding them Green Water which is a natural algae based food often use for Rams and other fish that cannot initially eat BBS.
Also, keep the lighting as low as possible, if not off during the egg and wiggler stage as well as during the first couple of weeks after free swimming. This will help to avoid causing blindness with makes it more difficult for the fry to find food. If you watch the fry are they biting in hope of finding a nibble or are they watching the BBS and then eating? This will tell you if their eyesight is affected.
11-13-2015, 03:51 AM
Sounds like the BBS is too big for them to eat. You could try feeding them Green Water which is a natural algae based food often use for Rams and other fish that cannot initially eat BBS.
Also, keep the lighting as low as possible, if not off during the egg and wiggler stage as well as during the first couple of weeks after free swimming. This will help to avoid causing blindness with makes it more difficult for the fry to find food. If you watch the fry are they biting in hope of finding a nibble or are they watching the BBS and then eating? This will tell you if their eyesight is affected.
OK nice..I would give it a try next spawn and see what happens...
Thanks so very much for the advice
11-15-2015, 10:54 AM
Sounds like the BBS is too big for them to eat. You could try feeding them Green Water which is a natural algae based food often use for Rams and other fish that cannot initially eat BBS.
Also, keep the lighting as low as possible, if not off during the egg and wiggler stage as well as during the first couple of weeks after free swimming. This will help to avoid causing blindness with makes it more difficult for the fry to find food. If you watch the fry are they biting in hope of finding a nibble or are they watching the BBS and then eating? This will tell you if their eyesight is affected.
So I got another spawn of albinos today...I now separated the eggs from the parents...fingers crossed...
Does the pinoy albino show blue on them?I have some pairs and they not showing any signs of blue on them...
11-17-2015, 07:43 AM
Does the pinoy albino show blue on them?I have some pairs and they not showing any signs of blue on them...
Albinism only affects melanophores. The other chromatophores (erythrophores, xanthophores, leucophores, and iridophores) are unaffected. In strains with both melanin in combination with others, the expression follows the above as well. I hope this helps. ted
11-17-2015, 10:11 AM
....add to that, cyanophores - not affected by albinism....
11-22-2015, 01:34 AM
If you have San Fransisco brine shrimp eggs available I would start there. The shrimp are smaller and are what I use to start all my fry. You should also look into APR (Artificial Plankton and Rotifer) It's a fine powder. I have raised fry as small as celestial danios and discus with that. You may also have to consider not breeding albino X albino. Heterozygous albino fish may be easier for you to work with.
04-10-2016, 07:32 PM
OK so finally I got another spawn of albino...father being albino pinoyand motherbeing albino dantum....ononce the fry survive...what would they be like?
04-14-2016, 09:24 AM
It is my understanding that the Dantum albino gene is different from the standard albino gene. And that the two don't mix. Therefore you can expect anything but albino offspring, depending on other genes in the parents. Some will be dark fish from the Pinoy (D/+ pb/pb), for example.
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