FinTAStic Newsletters
Published on 04-13-2013 01:41 PM
Number of Views: 10430
FinTAStic, the official TAS newsletter, is a quarterly electronic publication with four issues annually.
The Newsletter Committee published its maiden issue November, 2003. It was followed with another FinTastic issue in February, 2004. As much as we would love to have a regularly done quarterly edition, future releases will be published based on the time frame the volunteer team is able to provide.
A "Trading Goodies" ads section is also available for members only to list any angelfish related sale or trade. All submissions may not make it depending on space- First come, first serve.
All TAS members are encouraged to send any of your write-ups, inspiration, pictures or articles of anything angelfish-related. All article submissions, ads, announcements, etc. to be considered for inclusion should be emailed to
Newsletter Committee at least 2 weeks prior to the announced deadline. A notice will be emailed out to all members by the TAS Secretary to provide this time once made known by the committee.
We are always looking for writers or contributing authors, roving reporter (interview), circulation and marketing, DIY specialist, fund raising, graphics artist...but mainly, we need more articles to publish.
Suggestions, questions or comments are always welcome and encouraged.
Download or View the Newsletters :
Issue |
Date |
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32 |
April 2016 |
Bulgarian Green Gene, Angelfish Disease, Angelfish and Discus Competition, Raising a Spawn |
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Jan 2016 |
Standards Committee, Discus and Angelfish Competition, and simply getting back on track |
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Sept 2013 |
Fall issue with articles on Acceptance of the Philippine Blue Gene, Jaws of Pterophyllum scalare, Understanding Albinism, How to Count Eggs, Planted Aquarium Fertilizers and Social Networking for TAS. |
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High Res (2.8 MB) |
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June 2013 |
Relaunch of FinTAStic! As there are a number of images in this issue, there is both a low and a high resolution version. |
Low Res (3 MB) |
High Res (5.5 MB) |
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June 2012 |
FinTAStic Up Back on Track. |
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Nov 2011 |
FinTAStic Up and Running. |
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June 2010 |
How to Show Your Angelfish, Our First TAS Sanctioned Show, Artificially Breeding & Foster Parenting Angelfish. |
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Feb 2010 |
Guarding against Disease: The Immune System of Fish,
Disease Tolerance of Pathogen-Free Stock,
Our First TAS Sanctioned Angelfish Show. |
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Nov 2009 |
What Kind of Angelfish is it? Being a runner at a Fish Auction, Tank Size & Temperature, Quarantining Fish, Judging Fish, Photo Contest Winners. |
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Aug 2009 |
Pterophyllum Altum Biotopes, Wild Angelfish Species, Make your own Sponge Filters, April & Junes Photo Contest Winners. |
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May 2009 |
February Photo Contest Winners, Little Money Lots of Fish, A Different Way, and Health Risks from Aquariums |
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Aug 2008 |
Interview with Steve Rybiki, Newbie Corner, August Heat |
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Feb 2008 |
DIY Overflow, Visit a importer, Shipping fish in breather bags |
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Nov 2007 |
Pairing fish, MCA presentation |
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Aug 2007 |
Raising Bristlenose plecos, Alternative to culling, Young people and the fish hobby |
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May 2007 |
Member profiles, and Fantasy Fishroom!! Take a look |
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Feb 2007 |
Several great articles, Check them all out!! |
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Nov 2006 |
Tas profiles, and an interesting article on incubation of eggs |
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Aug 2006 |
How to use a diatom filter, making things happen in TAS,Hatching baby brine shrimp |
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May 2006 |
Angelfish Coloration, Daphnia as live food, Making a brins shrimp hatchery, Keeping Altums, Making a planted tanks simple |
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Feb 2006 |
Chapter from Kent Hoffmans book, How to ship fish, Internal Parasites, Culling tips |
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Nov 2005 |
Dealing with Ick, Power outages, Close-up look at eggs, Another way to hatch out fry |
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Aug 2005 |
Pond Building and maintenance tips, Raising Brine Shrimp to adult, People of inspiration |
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Aug 2004 |
Shipping experiment; Angelfish antics; TLC Jar; Show fish & more |
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May 2004 |
Angelholics Corner; Bubbles-Children's Story; DIY & more |
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Feb 2004 |
Decorating a Big Tank; Genetics Quiz; Columnaris; DIY & more |
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Nov 2003 |
Angelholics Corner; Preparing for a Big Tank; DIY & more |
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Apr 2003 |
Members Spotlight; Genetics Game; DIY & more |
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Jan 2003 |
Photograph Tips & Techniques |
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Jun 2002 |
Al Sabetta Articles - Diseases & Transmission |
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Nov 2001 |
The Angelfish Society Business |
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Oct 2001 |
Getting Half Blacks to Express Coloration |
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Sep 2001 |
Shipping via the USPS |
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