• Angelfish Standards

    Published on 06-01-2013 09:38 PM     Number of Views: 20722 

    Culling is a necessary evil of raising any fish.  Even the most successful of breeders will have to
    cull fish with deformities.  This is best done as early as possible.  It is a waste of tank space and resources to raise fish that will be culled later on.  Most fish that need to be culled have deformities that were due to poor environmental conditions while the fish was developing.  Conditions that lead to problems are usually related to either a high ammonia level or dirty conditions leading to an increased bacterial content of the water and coating the bottom of the tank.  To ensure the least waste of resources and the best chance of normal development for the rest of the fry, those with deformities should be removed as soon as possible.  The smaller the fish, the more difficult it is to detect deformities requiring culling.  Large fish with defects ...
    Published on 06-01-2013 08:34 PM     Number of Views: 24115 

    The purpose of developing a conformation standard for angelfish is to give a general guideline to hobbyists and breeders who may be wondering what is generally considered a natural or desirable
    trait. Some traits, although somewhat attractive to a few, may be an indication of a weakness. For
    instance, a very thin caudal peduncle on a superveil angelfish will cause the caudal to droop excessively. There are those who find this attractive, however, this excessive droop is an indication of a generally weak fish that may deteriorate rapidly or produce even more inferior offspring. Therefore, it is in the best interest of angelfish and the hobby to discourage the breeding of such fish. The same can be said for a dwarf angelfish. Although, many find the idea of a dwarf angelfish very interesting, it is likely to end up being a weak strain with many problems, or simply the result of stunting a normal angelfish.

    These standards will be concerned only with visible physical traits. Non-visible qualities, such as fecundity, aggression, parental care and appetite are important, but indiscernible without extensive exposure to the fish, therefore they are not covered here.

    Bodies should be round as possible or slightly higher ...
    Published on 06-01-2013 08:12 PM     Number of Views: 10270 

    When referring to the size of an angelfish, it is the body size that is being taken into account. The fins are ignored when estimating a size measurement. ...
    Published on 06-01-2013 07:46 PM     Number of Views: 46143 

    The following chart will help to identify the approximate body size of angelfish through their growth stages:

    Fish age ...
    Published on 06-01-2013 07:39 PM     Number of Views: 4973 

    Through both private and professional breeders, the freshwater angelfish genetics are bound to mutate. While it has been a few years since ...
    Published on 06-01-2013 05:07 PM     Number of Views: 8794 

    The following are the guidelines set forth by the Standards Committee for genetic discussions:

    • Notation to be used for accepted genes:

    1. The letter
    Published on 06-01-2013 04:09 PM     Number of Views: 15977 

    The Standards Committee is responsible for defining the standards that will be the initial focus of the society. By strictly adhering to the employment of common nouns and complete avoidance of proper nouns/names when naming new genes, it is our hope that these standard nomenclature will help to avoid the widespread use of informal cute or catchy names for angelfish genes/genotypes Divergence from this will only serve to confuse the novice angelfish enthusiast not unlike its gross effect taking place within the Discus and Goldfish worlds. We will also be focused on setting standards for identifying the genotypes of the angelfish we breed and keep, and the genetic notations used to describe them.

    This elected committee strives to achieve the following objectives:
    • To adhere to the use of common nouns and avoidance of proper nouns when naming a new accepted gene into our recognized list.
    • To promote proper husbandry and breeding practices
    • To produce angelfish of superior value to the hobby
    • To assist in proper identification of wild angelfish species

    Below is a list the work completed to date: