Genetic Notation
Published on 06-01-2013 05:07 PM
Number of Views: 8793
The following are the guidelines set forth by the Standards Committee for genetic discussions:
- Notation to be used for accepted genes:
- The letter designation of a gene name shall be its first letter unless that letter is already taken in which case the first two letters of the gene name shall be used
- The first letter will be uppercase if the gene is dominant to wild-type. The first letter will be lowercase if the gene is recessive to wild-type. The second letter will always be lowercase
- If the first two letters are already used for an existing gene notation, then the next available consonant in the gene name will be used for the second letter
- The first letters of each word will be used for genes with more than one word attached to them
- Wild-type will be designated by (+)
- The preferred written format will be to separate alleles with a (/). ex. for Hybrid Black D/g; for Smokey Sm/+. Fish that are dual-hybrids, tri-hybrids, etc. will have loci separated with a (-). ex. for Zebra Lace Z/+ - D/+ or Z/Z - D/+; for Halfblack Zebra Lace h/h - Z/+ - D/+
- Genes accepted as being proven through Dr. Norton's work and their letter designations:
- Marble - M
- Zebra - Z
- Gold - g
- Stripeless - S
- Smokey - Sm
- Halfblack - h
- Gold marble - Gm
- Pearlscale - p (initially known as both Pearly and as Pearlscale)
- Streaked - St
- Veil - V
- Albino - a
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