• Rules and Guidelines

    Published on 04-24-2014 04:15 PM     Number of Views: 163673 

    Effective May 1, 2015 we are now offering different levels of membership in order to better meet our member needs. The options are:

    Non-Voting Member - $5 per year

    • Access to our online materials, including our Newsletters, Angelfish Genetics Calculator and many articles on angelfish husbandry and genetics. We offer a wide variety of materials to help both the hobbyist and the commercial breeder, and are expanding all the time.
    • Does not include voting rights
    • Cannot run for office or hold a seat on a committee

    Full Membership (previously known as TAS Membership) - $10 per year
    • Access to all online materials
    • Access to business oriented materials for the organization
    • Includes voting rights after 45 days of membership
    • Can run for office or chair a committee after 90 days of membership
    • Can sit on a committee immediately
    • Receives email communication about our meetings and business information
    • Option to purchase 20 years membership at a 20% discount to become a Lifetime member

    Family Membership - $15 per year
    • Available to all family members residing in the same household
    • Same as the Full Membership

    Business Membership - $25 per year
    • Same as the Full Membership
    • Requires both your business name as well as your legal name
    • Option to run a banner advertising your aquarium based business on our website for the term of membership

    Payment is accepted through PayPal. We are not able to accept a check or money order at this time. You are not required to have a PayPal account, as there are options to send a check payment through a bank account or to bill your bank card.

    To become a member, please create a Membership Profile at http://www.theangelfishsociety.org/mm/register.php. Under Membership Type select the type of membership you wish to establish. After submitting your personal information, the page will display a PayPal Subscribe button. Click this button to be taken to PayPal to submit your payment. Once our Treasurer verifies the funds have been deposited into our account your membership will be activated.

    PayPal sets up automatic payments for subscriptions aka dues. You have the option to cancel the automatic payment or to allow PayPal to send us payment each year.

    Note: If you opt to set up an automatic payment for renewal through PayPal you are responsible for ensuring funds are available. We do not have any control over PayPal or your personal account. Automatic payments are between you and PayPal. All refunds will be less the PayPal fees that are incurred, unless an error on our part has occurred.
    Membership Info:

    • By joining The Angelfish Society and paying your membership dues you have agreed to abide by our bylaws and policies.
    • Your membership will be confirmed by an e-mail from the treasurer once processed. As this is a manual task please allow up to a week for processing.
    • Please register on our forum using the same email address. While processing your payment our Webmaster will apply membership to your forum ID, which will grant access to all Member Only areas of our website. Until then feel free to browse the unprotected areas of this website.
    • While The Angelfish Society welcomes international members, we can only accept funds in US currency at this time.
    • The Angelfish Society is not responsible for the misuse of member's personal information provided on this web site by anyone not empowered by the society to act on its behalf.
    Published on 01-17-2014 01:43 PM     Number of Views: 11166 

    TAS Membership Agreement

    This agreement comprises the terms and conditions that apply to each member of The Angelfish Society. Certain expectations are made of every member to conduct the business affairs of the organization in accordance with all applicable laws, including our Bylaws, the laws governing non-profit organizations and ...
    by Published on 01-16-2014 02:33 PM     Number of Views: 15336 

    The following rules and guidelines are used to govern this website. Please follow them to remain an active member in good standing and to avoid issues while holding discussions with a multi-cultural group.

    Rule No. 1 - Language

    • We prefer that all postings are in English. If you are not comfortable with English, post in your native language and include a quote from Google Translator. Non-English posts that are not translated may be
    Published on 04-03-2013 09:29 PM     Number of Views: 12403 

    Bylaws of The Angelfish Society

    ARTICLE I: Name and Objectives

    Section 1. The name of the organization shall be:
    The Angelfish Society, hereinafter known as TAS. This corporation is organized exclusively for educational purposes as specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

    Section 2. The objectives of TAS shall be:
    a. To establish a naming standard for ornamental freshwater angelfish
    b. To educate hobbyists in the proper care of angelfish
    c. To educate and assist in the proper identification of wild angelfish species

    Section 3. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustee, director, officer of the corporation, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the corporation), and no member, trustee, officer of the corporation or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets on dissolution of the corporation.

    Section 4. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided by the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(h), and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.

    ARTICLE II: Membership & Eligibility

    Section 1. Eligibility
    All persons who are in good standing ...