• Notice of Proposed Bylaws Changes - February 2014

    The Angelfish Society Bylaws and Membership Compliance Committee met on Sunday, February 2, 2014; and has the following proposed changes to present.

    The Board of Directors and Officers will review our proposals at our next scheduled meeting on Sunday, February 9, 2014. The Angelfish Society members will be asked to vote on each proposal at our regularly scheduled meeting after the 60-day public notice period has ended. Voting is expected to occur on Sunday, April 27, 2014.



    Article II: Membership & Eligibility

    Section 3. Termination of Membership

    b. If this corporation has provided for the payment of dues by members, upon a failure to renew his or her membership by paying dues on or before their due date, such termination to be effective thirty (30) days after a written notification of delinquency is sent by mail or email to such member by the Secretary of the corporation. A member may avoid such termination by paying the amount of delinquent dues within a thirty (30) day period of the date the written notification of delinquency was mailed.


    Failure to renew membership by paying dues on or before the due date will suspend all membership privileges. Any membership with dues that remains unpaid for 30-days after the email notification is sent will be terminated. If dues are paid within the 30-day period all membership privileges will be reinstated.

    Reason: All membership notices are systematically emailed at the appropriate time.


    Section 5. Non-liability of Members

    A member of this corporation in not, as such, personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligation of the corporation.


    A member of this corporation is not, as such, personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligation of the corporation.

    Reason: Typo. A member of this corporation is not....not in not.

    ARTICLE III: Meeting and Voting

    Section 1. TAS Membership Meetings:
    Membership Meeting of TAS shall be held each month at an on-line location to be determined by the Board of Directors. The quorum for such meetings shall be 25% of the members in good standing or the majority of votes comprised of the current incumbent count of the BOD at Large and Committee Chairs plus 5 general members in good standing, already vested to vote, which ever is the smaller number. Votes can be made by attending or by proxy during a meeting; or if by poll, a quorum will be the majority of the total number of voters.


    a. Membership meetings of TAS shall be held each month at an online location to be determined by the Board of Directors.

    b. The quorum for the Membership meetings shall be 25% of the members in good standing or 14, which ever is the smaller number unless voting by poll where a quorum will be the majority of the total number of voters.

    c. Votes can be made by
    1. attending the meeting
    2. proxy so long as the member copies the Board of Directors on the email granting another the right to vote by proxy. This documentation must be on file with the BOD prior to the start of the meeting for the proxy vote to be counted.
    3. voting poll

    Reason: Confusing left as a single paragraph. Redefined a quorum to eliminate the moving target of including BOD seats, committee chairs plus 5 members. As we add/remove committees it is difficult for all members to have a clear understanding of what a quorum constitutes with the current wording. We have also defined how a proxy vote would be accepted.