• Notice of Proposed Bylaws Changes - March 2014

    The Angelfish Society Bylaws and Membership Compliance Committee met on Sunday, March 2, 2014; and has the following proposed changes to present.

    The Board of Directors and Officers will review our proposals at our next scheduled meeting on Sunday, March 16, 2014. The Angelfish Society members will be asked to vote on each proposal at our regularly scheduled meeting after the 60-day public notice period has ended. Voting is expected to occur on Sunday, May 18, 2014.



    Section 2. Special TAS Membership Meetings:

    a. Special TAS membership meetings may be called by the President, or

    b. By a majority vote of the members of Board who are present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Board as long as a quorum is present, or

    c. Shall be called by the Secretary upon receipt of a petition signed by ten members of TAS who are in good standing. Copies of the petitions must be sent to all BOD members.

    d. Such special membership meetings shall be held at the location determined for the regular
    meetings. No other TAS business may be transacted thereat. The quorum for such meetings
    shall be 25% of the members in good standing or the majority of votes comprised of the current incumbent count of the BOD at Large and Committee Chairs plus 5 general members in good standing, already vested to vote, which ever is the smaller number. Votes can be made by attending or by proxy during a meeting; or if by poll, a quorum will be the majority of the total number of voters. All special meetings shall be scheduled by the Secretary no sooner than 5 days and no later than 21 days from the date the special meeting is announced to the membership.


    Section 2. Special TAS Membership Meetings:

    a. Special TAS Membership meetings may be called by:

    1. President
    2. Majority vote of the Board of Directors
    3. Secretary upon receipt of a petition signed by ten (10) TAS members in good standing. Copies of the petition must be sent to all BOD members.

    b. Such Special Membership meetings shall be held at the location determined for the regular meetings. No other TAS business may be transacted thereat. The quorum for such meetings shall be 14 or 25% of the members in good standing, whichever is smaller. Votes can be made by attending, by proxy if filed in advance with the BOD, or by the majority of voters in an online poll.

    c. All special meetings shall be scheduled by the Secretary. Notices will be sent no sooner than 5 days and no later than 21 days from the date of the special meeting.

    NOTES: Reorganized to group in logical blocks.


    Section 5. Voting:

    Each member of at least 45 days in good standing whose dues are paid for the current year shall be entitled to one vote at any membership meeting of the TAS at which he is present.

    Section 6. Voting may be conducted by using an online polling system, email, or any other system deemed efficient by the board.


    Section 5. Voting:

    a. Each member of at least 45 days in good standing whose dues are paid for the current year shall be entitled to one vote at any membership meeting of TAS.

    b. Voting may be conducted by using an online polling system, email, or any other system deemed efficient by the board.

    NOTES: Reorganized to group a single topic into one section.


    ARTICLE IV: Directors and Officers

    Section 1. Board of Directors:

    The Board shall be comprised of the officers and 5 other persons all of whom shall be members in good standing and all of whom shall be elected for two-year terms at TAS's annual meeting as provided in Article V and shall serve until their successors are elected. General management of TAS's affairs shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors.


    The Board shall be comprised of the officers and 5 other persons all of whom shall be members in good standing and all of whom shall be elected for two-year terms at TAS's annual meeting as provided in Article V or shall serve until their successors are elected. General management of TAS's affairs shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors.

    NOTES: Changed "and shall serve until their successors are elected" to "or shall serve....". Reason being this change allows the membership to petition to remove someone from office when unhappy with the given elected individual; and no longer must wait for the conclusion of the 2-year term to vote in another.