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Thread: Angelfish and Discus Competition Results

  1. #11
    Thanks to the Judges, and the organisers of the competition. I'm especially proud to have the grand champion :-)
    Blessed are the cheesemakers!

  2. #12
    Congrats. The fish is a beauty and well deserving of Grand. I was also fond of the spotted wild. I wish that we'd had more entries but the quality of the entries was mostly high.

    I would also like to offer my congratulations to the winner of Grand in the Discus competition. The fish is stunning.

  3. #13
    Thanks Liz, and everyone else who commented.

    Catsma, once again thank you for your efforts in organizing this. I have received a PM from you, but for some reason I don't seem able to reply (the fact it says I have "1 message stored of 0 allowed", suggests to me that my account isn't set up to allow me to send PM's yet)

    As to the prize, I'm flattered that so many of my fish were selected and I'd really appreciate some certificates to put on my fishroom wall, but as to the gift certificates, I know that you struggled to find sponsorship for this competition, I don't want to be taking funds from TAS, so please put my prize back into TAS funds. I'd be happy for it to be treated as sponsorship for the next photo competition, or alternatively put towards the costs of running this website, as I appreciate both this forum & the fact that TAS has made available Dr Norton's articles which I have found to be extremely valuable over the years.

    Blessed are the cheesemakers!

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Pterophyllum View Post

    Catsma, once again thank you for your efforts in organizing this. I have received a PM from you, but for some reason I don't seem able to reply (the fact it says I have "1 message stored of 0 allowed", suggests to me that my account isn't set up to allow me to send PM's yet)

    As to the prize, I'm flattered that so many of my fish were selected and I'd really appreciate some certificates to put on my fishroom wall, but as to the gift certificates, I know that you struggled to find sponsorship for this competition, I don't want to be taking funds from TAS, so please put my prize back into TAS funds. I'd be happy for it to be treated as sponsorship for the next photo competition, or alternatively put towards the costs of running this website, as I appreciate both this forum & the fact that TAS has made available Dr Norton's articles which I have found to be extremely valuable over the years.

    Try to reply now.

    Thank you for putting your prize winnings back into TAS. Most generous of you!

  5. #15
    I was able to reply to my PM but I want to do the same thing that you have done, Ron. All I want is certificates suitable for framing that I can hang on the wall of my fish room. Put mine monetary winnings back into the coffers, catsma.

  6. #16
    Thanks Catsma,
    My PM's are working now.
    Blessed are the cheesemakers!


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