We have the following Tank Raised Altum Angelfish in stock
F1 Simon Forkel's Orinoco P. Altum Angelfish approx 8-10cm (3 1/2"+) height Imported directly from Simon Forkel $79.95ea
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	simonforkelAltum.jpg 
Views:	12 
Size:	93.4 KB 
ID:	382

F2 Atabapo medium P. Altum Angelfish Tank Raised imported from Germany $79.95ea
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0502_s.JPG 
Views:	41 
Size:	3.1 KB 
ID:	383

F3 Orinoco Tank Raised P. Altum angelfish (Siegrist Line) $75.00ea
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_0661_s.JPG 
Views:	41 
Size:	2.6 KB 
ID:	384

visit our website: www.angelfishusa.com Many altums in stock now. Also Tank Raised Red Shoulder Manacapuru, F1 St. Isabel bred by Simon Forkel, Rio Negro Tank Raised, and many more wilds mostly tank raised