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Thread: Angelfish breeding or what?

  1. #1

    Angelfish breeding or what?

    Hi I’m new here and my angelfish are acting weird! I’ve had them for 3 months and they get along great. I changed their water this morning and later my black veil started chasing the silver guy like crazy. I saw that the black was rubbing on the heater and there are what appear to be eggs or bubbles? I don’t see any breeding tubes on the black one. I have a couple of photos if I can figure out how to share them. I thought I saw a breeding tube on the silver one but it’s gone now. What the heck?

  2. #2
    Sounds to me like they spawned. Tubes aren’t ALWAYS noticeable.

    I’m thinking TAS is a thing of the past. Not much activity here in the forum, unless TAS chats somewhere else now?


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