Well continue. What we do with the braincase, but then again on the end plates of the vertebral column as finalizing the drawings go.
The braincase.
We started with two parts that link to the spine, such as the Basioccipital and the Foramen Magnum, the latter is also known as the Great Hole.
The Foramen magnum (great hole), represents an important part of our fish through the same spinal cord connects with the spine.
It is located in the back of neurocranium and its lower zone (temporo occipital area).
It appears oval and almost vertically to the plane of Angelfish, spinal cord connect to the medulla oblongata (spinal extension), thus establishing communication with the brain.
In addition to connecting with the spinal cord, the foramen magnum pass the vertebral arteries, spinal arteries, etc..
The other interesting constituent of this back is the basioccipital.
The bone is located below the foramen magnum is rounded and is located between the occipital condyles. Below find bone Parasphenoid startup.
The basioccipital besides being dedondeado presents a concave shape, communicating with the first vertebra of the column, leading to the notochord. Presents an inclination of about 45 ° to the plane of the fish, and about 135 º about the foramen magnum.
The Angelfish occipital condyles allow slight movements of the head, they are triangular and have been located on both sides of the Foramen Magnum and between the basioccipital.