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Thread: New to TAS

  1. #1

    New to TAS

    Hello everyone. I just got my account set up today. My name is bob. Its nice to see so many familiar people here and looking forward to meeting some new ones as well.

  2. #2
    Welcome to TAS!

  3. #3
    TAS Member Atreyu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Cartagena (España)
    Hola redbluefish. Seguramente debí crear mi primer hilo con la presentación, ruego por tanto que disculpéis que no lo hiciera en su momento, mi nombre es Juanfra.

    Un saludo

    Quote Originally Posted by Google translator
    Hello redbluefish. Surely I should create my first thread with the presentation, I beg your pardon while I did not at the time, my name is Juanfra.

    A greeting

  4. #4
    Hi Bob, welcome aboard!

  5. #5
    Hi Bob! I always wondered what your real name was. So now we know!!! Welcome to TAS

  6. #6
    Thank you everyone! Looking forward to increasing my knowledge and contributing to the study of this wonderful fish we all love sooo much.

  7. #7
    Hi Bob! Glad to see you here! I was also wondering what your real name was, lol.


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