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You know, I should have asked you this for starters - if you have a full blown die out, there should be evidence you'll see a an amount of bodies, dying or dead underneath the sponge filter where the adults can't get at them. On the otherhand, if you're not seeing any it is also plausible that the parent pair may be culling them - a phenomenon whose triggers are not fully understood. The fact is, if you have a pair parent their brood, you can almost guarantee that the final headcount you end up with at weaning time can be as much less than what you started sometimes up to half to 3/4's of the original count.
The "dwindling phenomena" (that's what I call it) is greatly exacerbated if at the end of the day turn the tank's lights off and leave it in pitch black darkness. When that occurs, the parent pair will snap at anything touching them - including their fry.