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Thread: New pair

  1. #1

    New pair last pair got into a horrible fight that i had to move the male . I put 2 smaler and younger males with the fe hoping to get a new pair. Now the two males ar fighting and i hav to remove one. Now the male is following the fe and swimming around her and flashing at her. Ar the pairing up?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Sayanth View Post
    Now the male is following the fe and swimming around her and flashing at her. Ar the pairing up?
    Sounds like the male is trying but it will depend on if the female accepts him as her mate. A pair, even a pair that have not yet spawned, deserves a tank all their own. That will minimize the territorial bickering and reduce stress on the pair. jmho

  3. #3
    I just had angel fish a week and I saved a pair from being flushed. Omg the tank was horrid and my tank was not cycled but it was either that or death. They must have been happy cause they spawned right away but they are them. How many times does it take to do it right

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Angels forever View Post
    I just had angel fish a week and I saved a pair from being flushed. Omg the tank was horrid and my tank was not cycled but it was either that or death. They must have been happy cause they spawned right away but they are them. How many times does it take to do it right
    Some pairs get it right the first time, other pairs figure things out around 5 spawns and a few pairs never raise their own spawns. There really isn't a solid answer to that question.

  5. #5
    Ok then I guess I should watch some of these videos to raise my own. Thank you catsma

  6. #6
    Well they spawn again 6 days after the last one but its small and on the filter again. Maybe if I put slate rock instead of smooth rock. So I can pick them out and do my own own. Little stinkers. Thank you for the help

  7. #7
    Ok thanks I'm gonna get a slate rock and put it so they can't lay where they are now. They are not getting along. There not beating each other up but mouth to mouth. There's still eggs and she won't let him near it. Last time they both ate them. As long as there's no damage to each other I should let them alone ?

  8. #8
    The mouth to mouth 'tug-of-war' is normal behavior for cichlids. They are testing each other to see if they will be a worthy mate. It's a judgement call on seperating them. It's a judgement call on leaving the eggs as well. Most of my pairs eventually move through this phase and become good parents. The slate should help in either case. Good luck and don't get discouraged if it takes them a while, like Dena mentioned maybe 5 or possibly even more. If they don't eventually stop eating eggs after spawning then you would need to hatch and raise them artifically. Hope this helps.

  9. #9
    Danburns that's what I was thinking too. I didn't move them there by there self and so far neither has a mark on them. Makes total sense what you said. I was in a hurry just to see them but I'm not feeling well so let them be. Thank you for the advice. I'm taking it.


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