where are they coming from?
Well... As luck would have it/ they weren't delivered today. They are "stuck" in the town over from me (Spokane, WA). So hopefully they will come tomorrow!
They shipped out on Monday. USPS showed 2 day shipping..
It is totally unbearable!! I don't think I am going to sleep much tonight... Just so excited!!
Got them! They are beautiful! All eight arrived healthy and happy. I drip acclimated for two hours and put them in the tank. Twenty minutes later they came right up to me when I walked in to check on them! I decided to try turning the lights on.. didn't phase them a bit! It's like they have been in the tank for weeks.
And this is the way healthy angels are. Practically eating out of you hand as they come out of the bags. Congrats!!!!
Thanks! Hey I saw a pic of your Platinum Pearlscale... They look great!