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Thread: Hello from North Idaho!

  1. #21

  2. #22
    Traverse city, Michigan

  3. #23
    Well... As luck would have it/ they weren't delivered today. They are "stuck" in the town over from me (Spokane, WA). So hopefully they will come tomorrow!

  4. #24
    When did they start their migration to you??

  5. #25
    They shipped out on Monday. USPS showed 2 day shipping..

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by apple429 View Post
    They shipped out on Monday. USPS showed 2 day shipping..
    Then you will prob get them tomorrow. I get so excited waiting for fish, it is like waiting for Christmas morning when I was a child. Almost unbearable. LOL

  7. #27
    It is totally unbearable!! I don't think I am going to sleep much tonight... Just so excited!!

  8. #28
    Got them! They are beautiful! All eight arrived healthy and happy. I drip acclimated for two hours and put them in the tank. Twenty minutes later they came right up to me when I walked in to check on them! I decided to try turning the lights on.. didn't phase them a bit! It's like they have been in the tank for weeks.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  9. #29
    And this is the way healthy angels are. Practically eating out of you hand as they come out of the bags. Congrats!!!!

  10. #30
    Thanks! Hey I saw a pic of your Platinum Pearlscale... They look great!


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