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Thread: The Mystery of starting new lines

  1. #1

    The Mystery of starting new lines

    Well, this new line I started has proven to be puzzling every step of the way. And, this next generation is still keeping me on my toes!! I appear to be getting mostly Platinum types in this generation. Sorry about the dirty glass. Tank sits on the floor until I can build another rack. Doubled up with the Bolivian Rams, but that doesn't appear to have been a good idea as I see many nipped fins.

  2. #2
    TAS Member Atreyu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Cartagena (España)
    Helo Catsma:

    Me ha parecido ver un seminegro?

    A greeting

    Google translator

    I thought I saw one Halfblack?

  3. #3
    Not sure if there is a halfblack in this group. There is one that has significantly more dark coloring in the caudal area. But, I will not rule it out as nothing has worked out as planned with this line!

    Quote Originally Posted by Google Translator
    No estoy seguro si hay un halfblack en este grupo. Hay uno que tiene significativamente más coloración oscura en la zona caudal. Pero , no voy a descartarlo como nada ha funcionado como estaba previsto con esta línea !

  4. #4
    A few photos now that they are in their own tank and away from the rams!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2015-05-19 19.19.28.jpg 
Views:	6 
Size:	9.3 KB 
ID:	213Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2015-05-19 19.17.56.jpg 
Views:	5 
Size:	5.6 KB 
ID:	214Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2015-05-19 19.17.30.jpg 
Views:	5 
Size:	13.1 KB 
ID:	215Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot 2015-05-19 19.14.53.jpg 
Views:	5 
Size:	5.4 KB 
ID:	216


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