You have the basic concept of the rearing jars.
Here are a few things I've learned attempting to work with them:
* If the sponge material is too dense water will not circulate through the jar well and the wigglers/fry may not survive. My sponges I bought from AngelsPlus were so dense that the jar would build up about 2 inches of air overnight. I had to use different sponge material
* Use an air pump rated higher than the tank the jar is submerged into. If working with a 20 gallon tank, look at a pump rated for a 40-55 gallon. This will ensure that the pump is capable of generating enough water movement through the jar
* Tank water needs to be kept as pristine as possible. Do not allow nitrates to build up and ensure the tank is stable
* Pre-seed the jar sponges by using the jar as a large sponge filter. By working with the jar as a filter you'll be able to not only seed the sponges to minimize waste buildup in the jar, but you'll also have time to make adjustments