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Thread: 2m South American Biotope tank.

  1. #1

    2m South American Biotope tank.

    Hi guys,

    Just wanted to share some pictures of my 2m tank and the fish that inhabits this tank.

    Fishstock is:

    7 Pterophyllum leopoldi
    5 Biotodoma cupido
    17 Hypoptopoma sp. (8 inexepsectatum, 7 gulare and 2 sp2.)
    14 Corydoras robineae
    4 Hemiloricaria sp.
    2 Lasiancistrus sp.
    2 L066 Hypancistrus sp.
    1 Panaqulos sp.

    Totalshot January 2016 by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Eichhornia, Hydrocleys and Pistia by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Pterophyllum leopoldi by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Biotodoma cupido by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Biotodoma cupido by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Biotodoma cupido by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Corydoras robineae by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Pterophyllum leopoldi by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Biotodoma cupido by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Pterophyllum leopoldi by Gert Blank, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Seriously good photos of some seriously excellent fish. Wonderful
    Blessed are the cheesemakers!

  3. #3
    Many thanks for sharing. Love your photos. And to be working with p. Leopoldi. Excellent! Not common here in the USA.

  4. #4

    Pterophyllum leopoldi is not that common here in The Netherlands too but I see them more in the LFS at this moment.
    But it's a Pterophyllum species that not everybody likes.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Update about the tank. Because I had to catch some Corydoras robineae and some L-numbers, I had to remove all the pieces of wood in the tank.
    So that means I had to create a new scape in the tank. This is how it is now. I have to make some adjustment to the scape.

    Fish stock is:
    7 Pterophyllum leopoldi
    5 Biotodoma cupido
    20 Hypoptopoma sp.
    8 Apistogramma steindachneri
    4 Hemiloricaria sp.
    2 Lasiancistrus sp.

    2m Total April 2016 by Gert Blank, on Flickr

    Detail picture by Gert Blank, on Flickr

  7. #7
    Love your setup. Looking great!

  8. #8
    Beauthiful tank! Have you had any luck sexing your Cupidos?

  9. #9
    Hi makellr, If I am correct then I have 1 female and 4 males.

  10. #10


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