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Thread: Urgent advice needed

  1. #1

    Urgent advice needed

    okay.. so I ordered a bunch of the beautiful "fry" from they came in fine I house them in a 40 gal....10 fish to be precise. Now I'm in a bind because I purchased a breathtaking Pinoy Blue clown to, hopefully, pair with my female of the Pinoy blue. Now this is where it gets tricky. I had a tank set up for his arrival (My Hospital) to quarantine. But this morning I noticed a white film on one of my pre breeder Black veil's. I immediately put him in the hospital tank with out a second thought as i house 7 other's in that tank I'm hoping to get a couple pairs out of. So today I got work that the new Blue male is awaiting my pick up at the post office. My dilemma starts here.... I have no immediate solution to housing him. The forst thing that came to mind was splitting the fry tank per a divider as the fry were just added yesterday morning. Is this acceptable in my position? I have many 5 gallon buckets and extra sponge filters i could use to house him for the short term I just don't want to cause any problems with my newly arrived batch of fry, nor do I want any issues with my male. Help would be greatly appreciated as I'm leaving work in an hour to go pick him up. Please help....

  2. #2
    As this is a new fish you need to isolate in case disease pops up from the stress of shipping.

    Not sure if it is in the cards for you but the $1 per gallon tank sale is running all month

  3. #3
    Taken care of, grabbed a couple 55's and stand. The problem I have now is how to successfully use the bottom tank as a grow out tank. There isn't more than a few inches clearance. Take a look and let me know what you think is possible with this

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  4. #4
    You can build a wood stand cheap.....or grab another 55 stand, and put a couple smaller tanks on the bottom....(2) 20's...??...couple 10's....
    He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which.
    - Douglas Adams

  5. #5
    Agreed. With no clearance between the tanks you'd never be able to maintain the lower tank. Need shorter tanks on the bottom rack.

  6. #6
    Ended up putting a 20 and 36 bow front down there. A breeding pair of DD veils and another pair of the like I'm hoping take..

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  7. #7
    Wouldn't fit in the fish house so it's in my dining room now... Lol much to my wife's dismay

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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by chefrob1027 View Post
    Wouldn't fit in the fish house so it's in my dining room now... Lol much to my wife's dismay

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    +1............"i can make it fit"
    He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which.
    - Douglas Adams


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