Multiple Locus Phenotype
Non-wild alleles
that interact to form this phenotype:
Albino (a), Pearlscale

An albino
pearlscale is homozygous (double dose) for two recessive traits, albino
and pearlscale. The genotype for an albino pearlscale is:
a/a – p/p
Both albino
and pearlscale are recessive traits, so each trait only expresses when the
angelfish is homozygous (double dose) for that trait. The albino trait
prevents development of dark pigments. The areas that are normally
striped appear white, and the rest of the body has a light apricot color.
The pupils are red. The pearlscale trait alters the shape and aligment of
the scales to be more reflective of light, giving the angelfish a glossier
The albino
pearlscale has a delicate beauty. Successful breeding and raising of the
albino pearlscale angelfish is a double challenge. Albino fry have poor
vision and are considered more difficult to raise than fry of other
varieties. The pearlscale trait is sensitive to environmental conditions
and does not always fully express even under optimum conditions.

Approved by The Angelfish
Society Standards Committee on March 11, 2007.