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Halfblack Blushing
Multiple Locus Phenotype

Non-wild alleles that interact to form this phenotype:
Halfblack (h), Stripeless (S)

 Half Black Blushing

 A halfblack blushing angelfish is homozygous for both the halfblack allele and the stripeless allele, and has the following genotype.

h/h – S/S

 A halfblack blushing does not have the vertical body stripe or the vertical black stripe through the eye as seen in a halfblack.  In young juvenile the gill area will exhibit the typical circular pink area seen in blushing angelfish.   The dorsal fin will be absent of any horizontal striations and the tail will not have any of the lacy patterning of a non-blushing halfblack.

Approved by The Angelfish Society Standards Committee on March 11, 2007.