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Half-black Pearlscale

 Non-wild alleles that interact to form this phenotype:
Half-black (h), Pearlscale (p)

Don Mitchell - NJ-FishyBiz.com

Photo Courtesy Don Mitchell "NJ-FishyBiz.com"

A half-black pearlscale has a double dose of the recessive half-black trait and a double dose of the recessive pearlscale trait.  Its genotype is:

h/h – p/p

 It will have similar appearance to a halfblack, but the pearlscale trait alters the shape and alignment of the scales, resulting in a shinier appearance, especially on the non-black areas.  Both halfblack and pearlscale are traits that are easily influenced by environmental factors, and may not fully express even under ideal conditions, making this a challenging phenotype to successfully raise.

 Approved by The Angelfish Society Standards Committee on May 14, 2007.