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Smokey Blue Koi
(Smokey Gold Marble Blushing)

Non-wild alleles that interact to form this phenotype:
Gold Marble (Gm), Stripeless (S), Smokey (Sm)

 Smokey blue koi is a commonly used name for a silver gold marble blushing angelfish.  This phenotype has an underlying silvery bluish hue that gives “blue koi” part of its name.  It is a silver gold marble angelfish with two stripeless alleles and one smokey allele, and has the genotype:

Gm/+ - S/S – Sm/+

In some cases the pigmentation resulting from the gold marble mutation can be seen as darker spots on the smokey background, however this does not occur in all cases.

 Approved by The Angelfish Society Standards Committee on May 14, 2007.