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Smokey Lace
Multiple Locus Phenotype

 Non-wild alleles that interact to form this phenotype:
Dark (D), Smokey (Sm)

Smokey Lace

 A smokey lace angelfish is a black lace with the addition of one smokey allele.  It has the genotype:

D/+ - Sm/+

The dark and the smokey alleles are co-dominant, with both traits appearing in the smokey lace phenotype.  The distribution of color follows the pattern seen a smokey.  The front (anterior) of the body is lighter than the rest of the body, and shows some of the brown coloration typical of a smokey, although darker than in a smokey.  The rear (posterior) of the body and the dorsal fin, anal fin, and tail are dark, nearly black in coloration, with a distinct lace pattern showing in the fins and tail.  As in a smokey, the demarcation between the lighter colored anterior of the body and the darker posterior part is an irregular vertical line approximately mid-way through the body. 

Approved by The Angelfish Society Standards Committee on March 11, 2007.