Lace and Zebra Black
Multiple Locus Phenotype
alleles that interact to form this phenotype:
Dark (D), Zebra

The genotypes
that will produce a zebra lace are:
D/+ - Z/+
D/+ - Z/Z
Zebra lace is
a beautiful phenotype that has one allele for dark (black) paired with a
wild allele at the dark locus, and one or two alleles for zebra. Zebra
lace has a darkened body similar to the
coloration of a black lace (D/+) but with the extra stripe and the more
pronounced lace pattern in the tail of a zebra.


Zebra black
is similar in appearance to the zebra lace, but darker. It has two dark
(black) alleles instead of one, and one or two alleles for zebra. Zebra black
will have one of these two genotypes:
D/D – Z/+
D/D – Z/Z

Approved by The Angelfish
Society Standards Committee on March 11, 2007.