Pearlscale (Pearly)
Non-wild alleles at this locus at this
Pearly/Pearlscale (p)
pearly/pearlscale (p/p)
Pearlscale (Pearly) (p/p)

The pearlscale (or pearly) phenotype
results from the presence of a double dose of the recessive pearly
mutation (p/p). Angelfish showing the pearly mutation show misformed scales
resulting in higher light reflection and shine. As a result this phenotype
is easiest to see in lightly colored fish. When young, pearly will begin
to show when the fish reach approximately nickel size and will become more
expressive as the fish ages.
There are some reports that pearly fish can reduce and/or lighten the
amount of gold that is seen in gold and
gold-marble fish. There is also
some evidence that when pearly is present in a blushing background (S/S)
the pearly scales only show in the iridescent blushing areas. This does
not seem to be the case with all S/S – p/p angelfish however.
Interactions with the Pearlscale Locus
to additional information about the pearly allele
Dr. Joanne Norton, FAMA: December 1990, Vol. 13, #12
Approved by The Angelfish
Society Standards Committee on February 11, 2007.