Zebra/Stripeless Locus
Non-wild alleles at this locus:
Zebra (Z), Stripeless (S)
Ghost (S/+), Blushing (S/S), Zebra (Z/+ and Z/Z), Clown (S/Z)
Ghost (S/+)

The ghost
phenotype results from a single dose of the partially dominant stripeless
allele (S/+). A single stripeless allele will suppress the expression of
stripes in striped varieties such as silver. In non-striped varieties,
the phenotype is only subtly altered, usually with less intense
Blushing (S/S)

The blushing phenotype results from the presence of two Stripeless alleles
(S/S). The
term “blushing” refers to a pink circular area over the gills in fry and
young juveniles. The gill plate is translucent, so the bright red of
oxygenated blood in the gill area shows through as pink. The gill plate
often become opaque as the angelfish matures, and the pink blushing
characteristic may no longer be visible. However other characteristics
can be used to identify an adult blushing angelfish.
Unlike the ghost phenotype the fins of a blushing angelfish show no
striped patterning. Furthermore the body of a blushing angelfish
often develops
random silver-colored patches deposits on its body as it matures,
resulting from formation of guanine deposits.
The blushing phenotype can be present in concert with most other
phenotypes although in some darker colored angelfish the body shine can be
difficult to see. Genetically Blushing and Blue Blushing angelfish are
both (S/S), the blue in Blue Blushing simply describes the bluish shine
that some angelfish take on.
Zebra (Z/+ or Z/Z)

The Zebra phenotype results from the presence of either single or
double dose of the dominant zebra mutation at the zebra locus (Z/+ or
Z/Z). As the name indicates the Zebra phenotype results in the expression
of 3-5 vertical stripes on the body of the angelfish in addition to the
stripe across the eye. Similar to that seen
in ghosts the fins of a zebra angelfish do show some stripped patterning
although in the case of zebra, the patterning is sometimes a little
Clown (S/Z)

The Clown phenotype results from the presence of both a single dose of the
Stripeless and Zebra mutations at the Zebra locus (S/Z). Clown angelfish
have a spotted body pattern resulting from a modification of the zebra
phenotype by the stripeless gene. Clown angelfish also show fin patterning
similar to that of a Zebra angelfish.
Interacting Mutations
number of other mutations can interact with the
alleles of the Zebra/Stripless
The most predominant interaction seen between the alleles of the Zebra/Stripless locus
and the alleles of the Dark locus. Taken together there are a number
of popular combinations including Koi, Zebra Lace, and Turquoise Blushing.
Links to more information about zebra locus
Dr. Joanne Norton, FAMA: May 1983, Vol. 6, #5
Dr. Joanne Norton, FAMA: July 1984; Vol. 7, #7
Dr. Joanne Norton, FAMA: February 1985, Vol. 8, #2
Dr. Joanne Norton, FAMA: May 1989, Vol.12, #5
Dr. Joanne Norton, FAMA: December 1993, Vol. 16, #12
Approved by The Angelfish Society Standards Committee on February 11, 2007.